Dolphin eXpressWare Download for IX / IDT based products

This download page provides software for Dolphins PCI Express adapter card IXH610, IXH611 and IXH620 used with or without the IXS600 PCI Express switch. Please go to the general support page if you need software for another Dolphin card. Please note, the IX product line is EOL, please contact Dolphin to establish a EOL support plan if you need any assistance.

Dolphin Express IX Clustering NTB Software

The DIS 5.8 or newer releases are now recommended for general use. Please note that SISCI applications needs a small code change to upgrade from the previous DIS 4.4.x and older software. Please consult the SISCI API 2.0 Migration Guide for details.

Dolphin Express IX Transparent Software

Stub driver for transparent operation - required when operating the IXS600 in transparent mode with a IXH610, IXH611 or IXH620 adapter card.

Current release

The current and recommended release for general use is eXpressWare release 5.23.0. Release note

eXpressWare 5.23.0

Older releases

For new installations, we recommend to use the current release above. Selected older releases are still available for reinstallation of older systems.

eXpressWare 5.22.0

eXpressWare 5.21.3

eXpressWare 5.21.2

eXpressWare 5.21.0

eXpressWare 5.20.1

eXpressWare 5.20.0

eXpressWare 5.19.2

eXpressWare 5.18

eXpressWare 5.17.0

eXpressWare 5.16.0

eXpressWare 5.15.2

eXpressWare 5.14.0

eXpressWare 5.13.1

eXpressWare 5.12.0

eXpressWare 5.11.1


Firmware for Dolphin IXH adapter cards are bundled with the regular Dolphin software distributions.

Contact Dolphin for download issues at

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